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  • Akihiro Motoki's avatar
    [ussuri] [goal] Project PTL and contributor docs · e0afd0d2
    Akihiro Motoki authored
    This commit updates the horizon contributor docs to follow
    what the community goal [1] recommended.
    * Reorganize doc/source/contributor/contributing.rst to the format
      suggested in the community goal template.
    * Cleanup obsolete information and topics covered by the general
      OpenStack contributor guide.
    * Move contributing.rst to the top in TOC of the contributor guide
      as it is considered as the entry point for new contributors.
    * Sync CONTRIBUTING.rst at the top level directory with the
      community goal template.
    * Update the core reviewer expectation along with PTL expectation.
    Story: #2007236
    Task: #38525
    Change-Id: Idce7fc08e7fdf854d8a7bca55169d18403362c45
After you've reviewed these contribution guidelines, you'll be all set to contribute to this project.