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  • Alexander E. Zarebski's avatar
    Vaughan params (#87) · 3cc3ce82
    Alexander E. Zarebski authored
    * Bigger sim (#68)
    * prevent printing wall of nulls
    * fix plotting to avoid hardcoding range of prediction
    * adjust truncation selection to fix missing samples
    * expand simulation size
    * update figure to use bland altman as it is more informative
    * docs
    * include labels
    * add another plot to help with the explanations
    * tweak figure
    * update figures
    * add new parameters
    * fix bug where csv is parsed incorrectly
    * adjust simulation duration and schedule to work with new params
    * add some notes about the prior distribution they used
    * describe prior
    * remove repl code
    * remove unneccesary return
    * remove cruft
    * constrain optimisation to get more plausible value
    * fix nelder mead initial condition bug
    * lint
    * add distributions to specify prior
    * lint
    * add sanity check
    * lint test to make easier to read
    * remove some cruft
    * specify the simulation seed in the config file
    * make exports explicit
    * sim...
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