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asclinic / asclinic-system
MIT LicenseSoftware for running the robot that is the focus of the Autonomous Systems Clinic subject.
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Custom mods for openstack-dashboard and horizon, including UoM-specific theme and allocation forms.
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End-user documentation and knowledge base for the Melbourne Research Cloud.
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Mar Quiroga / intro-git
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Script to extract the current API documentation from Canvas and generate an importable Postman collection.
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Mar Quiroga / Rmarkdown
OtherMinimal examples and references to get you started and keep you going with writing robust and reproducible documents with Rmarkdown.
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Bobbie Shaban / metaGenePipe
Apache License 2.0Metagenomics Pipeline for taxa and functional count
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resplat-mediaflux / mflux-test
MIT LicenseThe mediaflux plugin package for prototyping plugin services.
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Cooper Little / IoT Capstone
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
resplat-mediaflux / unimelb-mf-graphite-plugin
MIT LicenseGraphite plugin for Mediaflux. It includes plugin services to send metrics to Graphite carbon server.
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Lab-Keast-Osborne-Release / ViNERS
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalViNERS (Visceral Nerve Ensemble Recording & Stimulation) is a neural interface model for simulating electrical stimulation and recording of spontaneous and electrically-evoked activity.
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