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Rob Moss / Malaria Spleen RBC Loss
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Lab-Keast-Osborne-Release / ViNERS
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalViNERS (Visceral Nerve Ensemble Recording & Stimulation) is a neural interface model for simulating electrical stimulation and recording of spontaneous and electrically-evoked activity.
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Robert Turnbull / django-publications
MIT LicenseA fork of django-publications by Lucas Theis. A Django app for managing scientific publications
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Mar Quiroga / Rmarkdown
OtherMinimal examples and references to get you started and keep you going with writing robust and reproducible documents with Rmarkdown.
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Metatranscriptome analysis of pathogens within whole blood of an Indonesian cohort
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Tempalte to run reproducible reports from Python, using nbconvert and Latex.