#+title: TimTam
- [[*Installation][Installation]]
- [[*Tutorials][Tutorials]]
- [[*Glossary][Glossary]]
- [[*Citing TimTam][Citing TimTam]]
** Installation
* Installation
There are instructions for the installation of TimTam [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Installation][here]].
There are instructions for the installation of TimTam [[file:./Installation.org][here]].
** Tutorials
* Tutorials
- [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Tutorial-01][Tutorial 1]]
- [[file:./Tutorial-1.org][Tutorial 1]]
** Glossary
* Glossary
Where possible this Wiki should use the terminology outlined in this [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Glossary][glossary]].
Where possible this Wiki should use the terminology outlined in this [[file:./Glossary.org][glossary]].
* Citing TimTam
** Citing TimTam
If you use MASTER as part of research that leads to a publication, we ask that
you cite the following article:
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