... | ... | @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ There are instructions for the installation of TimTam [[https://github.com/aezar |
** Tutorials
- [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Tutorial-0][Tutorial 0]] involves simulating data for subsequent tutorials
- [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Tutorial-0][Tutorial 0]] involves simulating data for subsequent tutorials (feel free to
skip this unless you are interested in simulating your own data.)
- [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Tutorial-1][Tutorial 1]] involves estimating the reproduction number and prevalence assuming
that the death and sampling rate are known using the sequences from
Tutorial 0.
... | ... | @@ -36,3 +37,12 @@ Zarebski AE, du Plessis L, Parag KV, Pybus OG (2022) A computationally tractable |
birth-death model that combines phylogenetic and epidemiological data. PLOS
Computational Biology 18(2): e1009805.
** Acknowledgements
- This would not have been accomplished without the assistance of my co-authors:
Louis du Plessis, Kris V. Parag, and Oliver G. Pybus.
- Thank you to Yunjun Zhang from Peking University for reading through and
helping to improve documentation on an earlier version of this software.
- Thank you to Tim Vaughan from ETH Zürich for providing helpful advice on
numerous occassions. |