#+title: TimTam
** Installation
* Installation
There are instructions for the installation of TimTam [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Installation][here]].
** Tutorials
* Tutorials
- [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Constant-Parameters-Canonical][Constant Parameters]] considers a constant parameter birth-death-sampling model.
- [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Constant-Parameters-R0][Constant Parameters and R0]] is similar to the tutorial above, but considers an
... | ... | @@ -16,24 +16,25 @@ There are instructions for the installation of TimTam [[https://github.com/aezar |
While working through the tutorials, it might be helpful to have the [[https://www.beast2.org/xml/index.html][BEAST2 XML documentation]] handy.
*** Less polished tutorials
** Less polished tutorials
- [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Tutorial-3][Tutorial 3]] simulates an SIR type epidemic and then estimates the effective
reproduction number through time based off of both genetic and case data.
- [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Tutorial-4][Tutorial 4]] is the same as Tutorial 3, but assumes that there was no sequenced sampling done during the first half of the epidemic.
- [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Tutorial-4][Tutorial 4]] is the same as Tutorial 3, but assumes that there was no sequenced
sampling done during the first half of the epidemic.
** Glossary
* Glossary
Where possible this Wiki should use the terminology outlined in this [[https://github.com/aezarebski/timtam2/wiki/Glossary][glossary]].
** Related work
* Related work
- [[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110400][Manceau /et al/ (2021)]] The probability distribution of the ancestral population
size conditioned on the reconstructed phylogenetic tree with occurrence data
- [[https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/syac037][Andréoletti /et al/ (2022)]] The Occurrence Birth-Death Process for
combined-evidence analysis in macroevolution and epidemiology
** Citing TimTam
* Citing TimTam
If you use TIMTAM as part of research that leads to a publication, we ask that
you cite the following article:
... | ... | @@ -43,11 +44,13 @@ birth-death model that combines phylogenetic and epidemiological data. PLOS |
Computational Biology 18(2): e1009805.
** Acknowledgements
* Acknowledgements
- Thank you to Bernardo Gutierrez for carefully working through the tutorials,
and providing numerous corrections.
- This would not have been accomplished without the assistance of my co-authors:
Louis du Plessis, Kris V. Parag, and Oliver G. Pybus.
- Thank you to Yunjun Zhang from Peking University for reading through and
helping to improve documentation on an earlier version of this software.
- Thank you to Tim Vaughan from ETH Zürich for providing helpful advice on
numerous occassions. |
numerous occasions. |