diff --git a/apps/mcmc/Main.hs b/apps/mcmc/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ea27008882f40cb3e05c807ec94ff410bdcf233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/mcmc/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric   #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Main where
+import           BDSCOD.Llhd              (initLlhdState, llhdAndNB)
+import           BDSCOD.Types             (Observation)
+import           BDSCOD.Types             (LogLikelihood (..),
+                                           MCMCConfiguration (..), MWCSeed,
+                                           NegativeBinomial (..), NumLineages,
+                                           Observation (..), ObservedEvent (..),
+                                           PDESolution (..), Parameters (..),
+                                           packParameters, putLambda, putMu,
+                                           putNus, putOmega, putPsi, putRhos,
+                                           scheduledTimes, unpackParameters)
+import qualified Data.Aeson               as Json
+import           Data.Either.Combinators  (fromRight, maybeToRight)
+import           Data.List                (intersperse)
+import           Data.Maybe               (fromJust)
+import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed      as Unboxed
+import           Epidemic.Types.Parameter (AbsoluteTime (..))
+import           GHC.Generics             (Generic)
+import           GHC.Word                 (Word32 (..))
+import           Numeric.MCMC.Metropolis  (Chain (..), chain')
+import           System.Environment       (getArgs)
+import           System.Random.MWC        (initialize)
+data MCMCInput = MI { mcmcObservations     :: [Observation]
+                    , mcmcNumSamples       :: Int
+                    , mcmcSampleCSV        :: FilePath
+                    , mcmcStepSD           :: Double
+                    , mcmcInit             :: [Double]
+                    , mcmcSeed             :: [Word32]
+                    , mcmcParameterisation :: String
+                    , mcmcKnownMu          :: Maybe Double
+                    , mcmcSimDuration      :: Maybe Double
+                    , mcmcPrior            :: String } deriving (Show, Generic)
+instance Json.FromJSON MCMCInput
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  configFile <- head <$> getArgs
+  eitherMI <- Json.eitherDecodeFileStrict configFile :: IO (Either String MCMCInput)
+  case eitherMI of
+    Right MI {..} ->
+      do putStrLn $ "read MCMC configuration from " ++ configFile
+         -- report some of the details of the mcmc so you can tell if the
+         -- configuration has been read correctly
+         putStrLn $
+           "\n\tprior:                  WARNING NOT IMPLEMENTED" ++
+           "\n\tparameterisation name: " ++ mcmcParameterisation ++
+           "\n\toutput file:           " ++ mcmcSampleCSV ++
+           "\n\tnumber observations:   " ++ show (length mcmcObservations) ++
+           "\n\tnumber samples:        " ++ show mcmcNumSamples
+         -- construct the target density and a summary function if necessary.
+         let asParam = paramConstructor mcmcParameterisation mcmcKnownMu mcmcSimDuration
+             llhd x = fromRight (-1e6) $ fst <$> do params <- maybeToRight mempty $ asParam x
+                                                    llhdAndNB mcmcObservations params initLlhdState
+             -- TODO Implement the prior functionality
+             prior :: [Double] -> Double
+             prior = undefined
+             target x = llhd x
+             tunable = Nothing
+         -- run the sampler and write the results to file.
+         gen <- initialize $ Unboxed.fromList mcmcSeed
+         ch <- chain' mcmcNumSamples mcmcStepSD mcmcInit target tunable gen
+         writeChainToCSV ch mcmcSampleCSV
+    Left msg ->
+      do putStrLn $ "failed to read MCMC configuration from " ++ configFile
+         putStrLn msg
+-- | A function for constructing parameters that can be used by the likelihood.
+paramConstructor :: String -> Maybe Double -> Maybe Double -> ([Double] -> Maybe Parameters)
+paramConstructor p maybeMu maybeDuration
+  | p == "identity-mu1-lambda-psi-noRho-omega-noNu" =
+    \[λ, ψ, ω] -> Just $ packParameters (λ, 0.026, ψ, [], ω, [])
+  | p == "identity-muKnown-lambda-psi-noRho-omega-noNu" =
+    let μ = fromJust maybeMu
+    in \[λ, ψ, ω] -> Just $ packParameters (λ, μ, ψ, [], ω, [])
+  | p == "identity-muKnown-lambda-psi-rhoAtDuration-omega-noNu" =
+    let μ = fromJust maybeMu
+        dur = fromJust maybeDuration
+    in \[λ, ψ, ρ, ω] -> if minimum [λ, ψ, ρ, ω] > 0.0
+                        then Just $ packParameters (λ, μ, ψ, [(AbsoluteTime dur, ρ)], ω, [])
+                        else Nothing
+  | otherwise = error $ "do not recognise parameterisation: " ++ p
+-- | Write the samples to file.
+writeChainToCSV :: [Chain [Double] b] -> FilePath -> IO ()
+writeChainToCSV samples csv = writeFile csv $ samples2CSV samples ++ "\n"
+  where samples2CSV = mconcat . intersperse "\n" . map sample2Row
+        sample2Row s = mconcat . intersperse "," . map show $ (chainScore s) : (chainPosition s)
diff --git a/bdscod.cabal b/bdscod.cabal
index 27e9f3a84cd148b4cc1c30d347085aa2be488bb7..a32a14a364a98191754f2d1ececee9e71a2488d4 100644
--- a/bdscod.cabal
+++ b/bdscod.cabal
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ library
-                  , either
+                  , either >= 5.0
                   , generic-random
                   , QuickCheck >= 2.13.2
                   , base >= 4.7 && < 5
@@ -38,10 +38,29 @@ library
                   , hspec-core >= 2.7.4
                   , math-functions
                   , statistics
-                  , vector
+                  , vector >= 0.12
   default-language:    Haskell2010
   ghc-options:         -fwarn-tabs -Wmissing-signatures -O2 -fwarn-incomplete-patterns
+executable mcmc
+  main-is: Main.hs
+  other-modules:
+      Paths_bdscod
+  hs-source-dirs:
+      apps/mcmc
+  ghc-options: -O2
+  build-depends:
+      base
+    , aeson
+    , bdscod
+    , either
+    , epi-sim
+    , mighty-metropolis >= 2.0
+    , mwc-random >= 0.14
+    , vector
+  default-language: Haskell2010
 executable simulation-study
   main-is: Main.hs
diff --git a/examples/ape-simulation/README.org b/examples/ape-simulation/README.org
index d20446109faad4ccca9582470772bef96010d345..5c8910b6311ae6f9151e203749e197ae894bfc0b 100644
--- a/examples/ape-simulation/README.org
+++ b/examples/ape-simulation/README.org
@@ -2,12 +2,7 @@
 There is a =run.sh= script to carry out this computation. It uses the [[https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ape/index.html][=ape=]]
 package in R to simulate a birth-death process and then randomly annotate the
-tips to produce a sample from the BDSCOD process.
+tips to produce a sample from the BDSCOD process. The results of this can be
+viewed by opening =index.html= in a browser.
-* Simulation script
-The following demonstrates how to use the =ape-sim.R= script
-#+begin_src sh
-./ape-sim.R --seed 1 -p ../example-parameters.json -o out --duration 30.0 
diff --git a/examples/ape-simulation/ape-sim.R b/examples/ape-simulation/ape-sim.R
index 5f4952caa2e6f7f534462fffcdfbeee6bfbae414..4ec8a1e939095066aaf300913f21abe1c98cfcc2 100755
--- a/examples/ape-simulation/ape-sim.R
+++ b/examples/ape-simulation/ape-sim.R
@@ -7,11 +7,17 @@
 #' interactive mode this will substitute some parameters otherwise it expected
 #' to get everything from the command line.
+#' By default this avoids a population sample at the end of the simulation but
+#' there is a command line argument if you want to include this.
 #' Usage
 #' -----
 #' $ ./ape-sim.R --seed 1 -p ../example-parameters.json -o out --duration 30.0
+#' or if you want to generate a figure showing the simulated data append the
+#' --make-plots flag.
 #' Help
 #' ----
@@ -67,15 +73,28 @@ parser$add_argument(
          default = FALSE,
          help = "Generate plots"
+         "-r",
+         "--rho",
+         type = "double",
+         default = -1.0,
+         help = "Scheduled sample probability")
-read_parameters <- function(parameter_filepath, sim_duration, is_verbose) {
+read_parameters <- function(parameter_filepath, sim_duration, maybe_rho, is_verbose) {
   if (!file.exists(parameter_filepath)) {
     stop("Cannot find parameter file: ", parameter_filepath)
   } else if (sim_duration <= 0.0) {
     stop("Need a positive duration")
+  } else if (!(is.null(maybe_rho) | is.numeric(maybe_rho))) {
+    stop("Need a maybe numeric value for maybe_rho")
   } else {
     params <- jsonlite::read_json(parameter_filepath)
+    expected_names <-
+      c("birthRate",
+        "deathRate",
+        "samplingRate",
+        "occurrenceRate")
+    stopifnot(setequal(names(params), expected_names))
     ## it will be useful to have some other ways to talk about the parameters so
     ## we compute a couple of other views.
     params$net_rem_rate <-
@@ -87,7 +106,18 @@ read_parameters <- function(parameter_filepath, sim_duration, is_verbose) {
     params$prob_sampled_given_observed <-
       params$sampling_prob / params$prob_observed
     params$duration <- sim_duration
-    return(params)
+    ## we need to handle the possibility that there is a valid rho.
+    if (is.null(maybe_rho)) {
+      params$rho <- maybe_rho
+      return(params)
+    } else {
+      if (0 < maybe_rho && maybe_rho < 1) {
+        params$rho <- maybe_rho
+        return(params)
+      } else {
+        stop("invalid rho argument: ", maybe_rho)
+      }
+    }
@@ -116,9 +146,27 @@ run_simulation <- function(params, is_verbose) {
   tip_times <- head(ape::node.depth.edgelength(phy), num_tips)
   ## TODO we can find the tips that are still extant in the simulation but it is
   ## unclear if we can use strict equality here of if we need to account for
-  ## potential error in the branch lengths.
+  ## potential error in the branch lengths. It seems like this is safe...
   extant_mask <- tip_times + tmrca == params$duration
   extant_labels <- tip_labels[extant_mask]
+  num_extant <- length(extant_labels)
+  ## We need to do a rho sample at the end of the duration if one has been
+  ## requested, otherwise we need to propagate the null values.
+  if (is.null(params$rho)) {
+    num_rho_sampled <- NULL
+    rho_sampled_labels <- NULL
+  } else {
+    num_rho_sampled <- rbinom(
+      n = 1,
+      size = num_extant,
+      prob = params$rho
+    )
+    rho_sampled_labels <- sample(
+      x = extant_labels,
+      size = num_rho_sampled,
+      replace = FALSE
+    )
+  }
   extinct_labels <- tip_labels[!extant_mask]
   num_extinct <- length(extinct_labels)
   ## We can select which extinctions are deaths, samples and occurrences by
@@ -156,7 +204,13 @@ run_simulation <- function(params, is_verbose) {
     tl <- tip_labels[ix]
     outcome[ix] <-
       if (is.element(tl, extant_labels)) {
-        "extant"
+        if (is.null(rho_sampled_labels)) {
+          "extant"
+        } else if (is.element(tl, rho_sampled_labels)) {
+          "rho"
+        } else {
+          "extant"
+        }
       } else if (is.element(tl, unobserved_labels)) {
       } else if  (is.element(tl, sampling_labels)) {
@@ -169,13 +223,19 @@ run_simulation <- function(params, is_verbose) {
   ## We then drop the lineages that did not result in a sampled lineage to get
   ## the reconstructed tree.
-  rt <- ape::keep.tip(phy, sampling_labels)
+  rt_tip_labels <- c(sampling_labels, rho_sampled_labels)
+  num_rt_tips <- length(rt_tip_labels)
+  if (num_rt_tips < 2) {
+    stop(paste0(c("\n\n", rep("-", 60), "\n\n\tSIMULATION HAS LESS THAN TWO SEQUENCED SAMPLES!\n\n", rep("-", 60), "\n"), collapse=""))
+  }
+  rt <- ape::keep.tip(phy, rt_tip_labels)
   rt_tip_and_node_depths <- ape::node.depth.edgelength(rt)
-  rt_tip_depths <- head(rt_tip_and_node_depths, num_sampled)
-  rt_node_depths <- tail(rt_tip_and_node_depths, -num_sampled)
+  rt_tip_depths <- head(rt_tip_and_node_depths, num_rt_tips)
+  rt_node_depths <- tail(rt_tip_and_node_depths, -num_rt_tips)
   ## The depths of the nodes and tips is relative to the TMRCA so we need to
   ## adjust for this when computing the extact times that they occurred at.
-  true_first_sample_time <- min(tip_times[outcome == "sampling"])
+  true_first_sample_time <-
+    min(tip_times[outcome == "sampling" | outcome == "rho"])
   depth_first_in_rt <- min(rt_tip_depths)
   rt_offset <- true_first_sample_time - depth_first_in_rt
   ## Finally we can put all of this information into a single dataframe.
@@ -183,12 +243,16 @@ run_simulation <- function(params, is_verbose) {
     time = c(-tmrca,
              tip_times[outcome == "occurrence"],
              tip_times[outcome == "sampling"],
+             tip_times[outcome == "rho"],
              rt_node_depths + rt_offset
     event = c("origin",
-                c("occurrence", "sampling", "birth"),
-                times = c(num_occurrences, num_sampled, num_sampled - 1)
+                c("occurrence", "sampling", "rho", "birth"),
+                times = c(num_occurrences,
+                          num_sampled,
+                          ifelse(is.null(num_rho_sampled), 0, num_rho_sampled),
+                          ifelse(is.null(num_rho_sampled), num_sampled - 1, num_rt_tips - 1))
@@ -198,7 +262,7 @@ run_simulation <- function(params, is_verbose) {
   ## We can do a quick check of the results to make sure that some invariants
   ## have been preserved. Note that one of the checks here will fail a small
   ## percent of the time because it is not exact.
-  dur_1 <- max(tip_times[outcome == "sampling"]) + tmrca
+  dur_1 <- max(tip_times[outcome == "sampling" | outcome == "rho"]) + tmrca
   dur_2 <- max(rt_tip_depths) + rt_offset + tmrca
   ## these should be equal up to numerical error.
   stopifnot(abs(dur_1 - dur_2) < 1e-10 * params$duration)
@@ -210,7 +274,9 @@ run_simulation <- function(params, is_verbose) {
     outcome = outcome,
     tip_ix = tip_ix,
     num_extinct = num_extinct,
+    num_extant = num_extant,
     num_sampled = num_sampled,
+    num_rho_sampled = num_rho_sampled,
     num_observed = num_observed,
     num_occurrences = num_occurrences))
@@ -252,6 +318,23 @@ write_plot <- function(simulation_results, parameters, output_directory, is_verb
                           prob = parameters$occurrence_prob))
+  if (!is.null(parameters$rho)) {
+    rho_row <- data.frame(
+      outcome = "rho",
+      empirical = simulation_results$num_rho_sampled,
+      theory = qbinom(p = 0.5,
+                      size = simulation_results$num_extant,
+                      prob = parameters$rho),
+      theory_min = qbinom(p = 0.025,
+                          size = simulation_results$num_extant,
+                          prob = parameters$rho),
+      theory_max = qbinom(p = 0.975,
+                          size = simulation_results$num_extant,
+                          prob = parameters$rho)
+    )
+    hist_plt_df <- rbind(hist_plt_df, rho_row)
+  }
   plt5 <- ggplot(hist_plt_df) +
     geom_col(mapping = aes(x = outcome, y = empirical)) +
     geom_point(mapping = aes(x = outcome, y = theory)) +
@@ -259,7 +342,7 @@ write_plot <- function(simulation_results, parameters, output_directory, is_verb
     labs(y = "Count", x = NULL) +
-  is_observed <- is.element(simulation_results$outcome, c("sampling", "occurrence"))
+  is_observed <- is.element(simulation_results$outcome, c("sampling", "occurrence", "rho"))
   tip_annotations <- tibble(
     node = simulation_results$tip_ix,
@@ -269,7 +352,7 @@ write_plot <- function(simulation_results, parameters, output_directory, is_verb
   ## TODO does this come from tidytree???
   tr <- treedata(phylo = simulation_results$phylo, data = tip_annotations)
   plt4 <- ggplot(tr, mapping = aes(x, y)) +
     geom_tippoint(mapping = aes(colour = outcome, shape = is_observed),
                   size = 3) +
@@ -298,12 +381,30 @@ write_plot <- function(simulation_results, parameters, output_directory, is_verb
 main <- function(args) {
   if (args$verbose) {
-    cat("Reading parameters from", args$parameters, "\n")
+    cat("reading parameters from", args$parameters, "\n")
-  params <- read_parameters(args$parameters, args$duration, args$verbose)
+  ## Awkward because you cannot assign NULL via ifelse.
+  if (args$rho == -1.0) {
+    maybe_rho <-  NULL
+  } else {
+    maybe_rho <-  args$rho
+  }
+  if (args$verbose) {
+    if (is.null(maybe_rho)) {
+      cat("without rho sampling at the end of the simulation\n")
+    } else {
+      cat("with rho sampling at the end of the simulation\n")
+    }
+  }
+  params <- read_parameters(
+    args$parameters,
+    args$duration,
+    maybe_rho,
+    args$verbose)
   sim_result <- run_simulation(params, args$verbose)
@@ -339,7 +440,8 @@ if (!interactive()) {
     parameters = "../example-parameters.json",
     duration = 30.0,
     output_directory = "out",
-    make_plots = TRUE
+    make_plots = TRUE,
+    rho = 0.1
diff --git a/examples/ape-simulation/clean.sh b/examples/ape-simulation/clean.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f5c4034a0fefd15bae9cea112ae7b0798882cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ape-simulation/clean.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+rm -f out/ape-sim-event-times.csv
+rm -f out/ape-simulation-figure.png
+rm -f out/mcmc-diagnostics.json
+rm -f out/mcmc-samples.csv
+rm -f out/mcmc-traceplot-*.png
+rm -f out/simulation-data.json
+rm -f index.html
diff --git a/examples/ape-simulation/run.sh b/examples/ape-simulation/run.sh
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index dbc96f377e94972880ab0c3bb122ed028a7fb411..5f28e22cee86940c6745f0ca3a7228f103b39e8f
--- a/examples/ape-simulation/run.sh
+++ b/examples/ape-simulation/run.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-./ape-sim.R --seed 1 -p ../example-parameters.json -o out --duration 30.0
-# Rscript src/prep-mcmc-data.R
+./ape-sim.R --seed $SEED -p $PARAM_JSON -o out --duration $DURATION --make-plots -v
+Rscript src/prep-mcmc-data.R
+stack exec -- mcmc out/simulation-data.json
+Rscript src/mcmc-plots.R
+Rscript src/make-viewer.R
diff --git a/examples/ape-simulation/src/make-viewer.R b/examples/ape-simulation/src/make-viewer.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0e5435987b8a5672b1fbd31ad7a917d59e03bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ape-simulation/src/make-viewer.R
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+mcmc_diagnostics <- jsonlite::read_json("out/mcmc-diagnostics.json")
+out_html <- "index.html"
+foo <- lapply(mcmc_diagnostics, unlist) |> as.data.frame()
+bar <- c()
+for (ix in seq.int(nrow(foo))) {
+  if (ncol(foo) == 4) {
+    bar <- c(bar, sprintf("%s, %f, %f, %f", foo[ix,1], foo[ix,2], foo[ix,3], foo[ix, 4]))
+  } else if (ncol(foo) == 3) {
+    bar <- c(bar, sprintf("%s, %f, %f", foo[ix,1], foo[ix,2], foo[ix,3]))
+  } else {
+    stop("")
+  }
+html <-
+  tags$html(
+         tags$head(tags$title("ape simulation example")),
+         tags$body(
+                tags$h1("ape simulation example"),
+                tags$div(
+                       tags$h3("Simulated data"),
+                       tags$img(src = "out/ape-simulation-figure.png",
+                                style = "width: 1000px;")
+                     ),
+                tags$div(
+                       tags$h3("MCMC summary"),
+                       tags$div(
+                              tags$p(paste(names(foo), collapse = ", ")),
+                              tags$ul(purrr::map(bar, tags$li))
+                            ),
+                       tags$div(
+                              tags$h5("Posterior distribution of parameters"),
+                              tags$img(src = "out/posterior-marginals.png",
+                                       style = "width: 1000px;"),
+                              tags$h5("Posterior distribution of R-naught"),
+                              tags$img(src = "out/posterior-r-naught.png",
+                                       style = "width: 600px;")
+                            )
+                     ),
+                tags$div(
+                       tags$h3("MCMC traceplot"),
+                       tags$img(src = "out/mcmc-traceplot-1.png"),
+                       tags$img(src = "out/mcmc-traceplot-2.png")
+                     )
+              )
+       )
+save_html(doRenderTags(html), file = out_html)
diff --git a/examples/ape-simulation/src/mcmc-plots.R b/examples/ape-simulation/src/mcmc-plots.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d804a41b8d7ccbf12bc77ab685945ee04f1180c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ape-simulation/src/mcmc-plots.R
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+green_hex_colour <- "#7fc97f"
+purple_hex_colour <- "#beaed4"
+true_params <- jsonlite::read_json("../example-parameters.json")
+mcmc_input <- jsonlite::read_json("out/simulation-data.json")
+mcmc_csv <- "out/mcmc-samples.csv"
+trace_png <- function(n) sprintf("out/mcmc-traceplot-%d.png", n)
+mcmc_diagnostics_json <- "out/mcmc-diagnostics.json"
+marginal_plot_filepath <- function(fmt, extra="") sprintf("out/posterior-marginals%s.%s", extra, fmt)
+r_naught_plot_filepath <- function(fmt, extra="") sprintf("out/posterior-r-naught%s.%s", extra, fmt)
+post_samples_df <- read.csv(mcmc_csv, header = F)
+if (length(mcmc_input$mcmcInit) == 3) {
+  names(post_samples_df) <- c("llhd", "birth_rate", "sampling_rate", "omega_rate")
+} else if (length(mcmc_input$mcmcInit) == 4) {
+  names(post_samples_df) <- c("llhd", "birth_rate", "sampling_rate", "rho_prob", "omega_rate")
+} else {
+  stop("")
+post_samples <- as.mcmc(post_samples_df)
+jx <- 1
+fig_n <- 1
+while (jx < ncol(post_samples)) {
+  png(filename=trace_png(fig_n), width=700, height=1500)
+  plot(post_samples[,c(jx, jx+1)])
+  dev.off()
+  jx <- jx + 2
+  fig_n <- fig_n + 1
+if (jx == ncol(post_samples)) {
+  png(filename=trace_png(fig_n), width=700, height=1500)
+  plot(post_samples[,c(jx)])
+  dev.off()
+summary_stats <- as.data.frame(summary(post_samples)$statistics)
+diagnostics <- list(
+  varnames = varnames(post_samples),
+  mean = summary_stats$Mean,
+  sd = summary_stats$SD,
+  effective_size = effectiveSize(post_samples)
+            x = diagnostics,
+            path = mcmc_diagnostics_json,
+            auto_unbox = T
+          )
+## ======================================================
+## Make the plots of the marginal posterior distribution.
+## ======================================================
+marginal_plot_summary <- function(samples, varname) {
+  density_df <-
+    samples |>
+    density() |>
+    extract(c("x", "y")) |>
+    data.frame() |>
+    mutate(variable = varname)
+  qs <- quantile(x = samples, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
+  list(df = density_df, point_est = qs[2], ci = qs[c(1, 3)])
+birth_rate_marg <- marginal_plot_summary(post_samples_df$birth_rate, "birth_rate")
+birth_rate_fig <- ggplot(mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +
+  geom_line(
+    data = birth_rate_marg$df,
+    colour = green_hex_colour
+  ) +
+  geom_area(
+    data = filter(birth_rate_marg$df, birth_rate_marg$ci[1] < x, x < birth_rate_marg$ci[2]),
+    fill = green_hex_colour,
+    alpha = 0.3
+  ) +
+  geom_vline(
+    xintercept = true_params$birthRate,
+    linetype = "dashed"
+  ) +
+  labs(y = "Posterior density", x = TeX("Birth rate ($\\lambda$)")) +
+  theme_classic() +
+  theme()
+sampling_rate_marg <- marginal_plot_summary(post_samples_df$sampling_rate, "sampling_rate")
+sampling_rate_fig <- ggplot(mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +
+  geom_line(
+    data = sampling_rate_marg$df,
+    colour = green_hex_colour
+  ) +
+  geom_area(
+    data = filter(sampling_rate_marg$df, sampling_rate_marg$ci[1] < x, x < sampling_rate_marg$ci[2]),
+    fill = green_hex_colour,
+    alpha = 0.3
+  ) +
+  geom_vline(
+    xintercept = true_params$samplingRate,
+    linetype = "dashed"
+  ) +
+  labs(y = NULL, x = TeX("Sampling rate ($\\psi$)")) +
+  theme_classic() +
+  theme()
+omega_rate_marg <- marginal_plot_summary(post_samples_df$omega_rate, "omega_rate")
+omega_rate_fig <- ggplot(mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +
+  geom_line(
+    data = omega_rate_marg$df,
+    colour = green_hex_colour
+  ) +
+  geom_area(
+    data = filter(omega_rate_marg$df, omega_rate_marg$ci[1] < x, x < omega_rate_marg$ci[2]),
+    fill = green_hex_colour,
+    alpha = 0.3
+  ) +
+  geom_vline(
+    xintercept = true_params$occurrenceRate,
+    linetype = "dashed"
+  ) +
+  labs(y = NULL, x = TeX("Occurrence rate ($\\omega$)")) +
+  theme_classic() +
+  theme()
+marginals_fig <- plot_grid(birth_rate_fig, sampling_rate_fig, omega_rate_fig, ncol = 3)
+ggsave(filename = marginal_plot_filepath("png"),
+       plot = marginals_fig,
+       height = 10,
+       width = 2.8 * 10,
+       units = "cm")
+## ggsave(filename = marginal_plot_filepath("pdf"),
+##        plot = marginals_fig,
+##        height = 10,
+##        width = 2.8 * 10,
+##        units = "cm")
+## =======================================================
+## Make the plot of the posterior distribution of r-naught
+## =======================================================
+r_naught_samples <-
+  post_samples_df |>
+  mutate(r_naught = birth_rate / (sampling_rate + true_params$deathRate + omega_rate)) |>
+  extract2("r_naught")
+true_r_naught <- true_params$birthRate / (true_params$deathRate + true_params$samplingRate + true_params$occurrenceRate)
+foo <- marginal_plot_summary(r_naught_samples, "r_naught")
+foo_fig <- ggplot(mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +
+  geom_line(
+    data = foo$df,
+    colour = green_hex_colour
+  ) +
+  geom_area(
+    data = filter(foo$df, foo$ci[1] < x, x < foo$ci[2]),
+    fill = green_hex_colour,
+    alpha = 0.3
+  ) +
+  geom_vline(
+    xintercept = true_r_naught,
+    linetype = "dashed"
+  ) +
+  labs(y = "Posterior density", x = TeX("Basic reproduction number ($R_{0}$)")) +
+  theme_classic() +
+  theme()
+ggsave(filename = r_naught_plot_filepath("png"),
+       plot = foo_fig,
+       height = 10,
+       width = 1.3 * 10,
+       units = "cm")
+## ggsave(filename = r_naught_plot_filepath("pdf"),
+##        plot = foo_fig,
+##        height = 10,
+##        width = 2.8 * 10,
+##        units = "cm")
diff --git a/examples/ape-simulation/src/prep-mcmc-data.R b/examples/ape-simulation/src/prep-mcmc-data.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..465af08e6c670cc01a0976965c406ced120cda99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ape-simulation/src/prep-mcmc-data.R
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+params <- jsonlite::read_json("../example-parameters.json")
+input_csv <- "out/ape-sim-event-times.csv"
+sim_events <- read.csv(input_csv)
+sim_events <- sim_events[order(sim_events$time), ]
+if (is.element("rho", sim_events$event)) {
+  maybe_sim_dur <- diff(range(sim_events$time))
+} else {
+  maybe_sim_dur <- NULL
+num_rho_sampled <- sum(sim_events$event == "rho")
+## we only support a single rho event at the moment
+rho_times <- unique(sim_events[sim_events$event == "rho", "time"])
+stopifnot(length(rho_times) <= 1)
+sim_events <- sim_events[sim_events$event != "rho", ]
+last_non_rho_time <- max(sim_events$time)
+delays <- diff(sim_events$time)
+events <- tail(sim_events$event, -1)
+observation <- function(d, e) {
+  list(
+    d,
+    list(
+      tag = switch(
+        e,
+        birth = "OBirth",
+        occurrence = "OOccurrence",
+        sampling = "ObsUnscheduledSequenced"
+      )
+    )
+  )
+observations_list <- purrr::map2(delays, events, observation)
+if (length(rho_times) == 1) {
+  rho_sample <- list(rho_times[1] - last_non_rho_time,
+                     list(tag = "OCatastrophe",
+                          contents = num_rho_sampled))
+  observations_list <- c(observations_list, list(rho_sample))
+mcmc_input <- list(
+  mcmcObservations = observations_list,
+  mcmcNumSamples = 1e6,
+  mcmcSampleCSV= "out/mcmc-samples.csv",
+  mcmcStepSD  = 1e-3,
+  ## mcmcInit   = c(0.228, 0.048, 0.5, 0.026),
+  mcmcInit   = c(0.228, 0.048, 0.026),
+  mcmcSeed  = c(1, 2),
+  ## mcmcParameterisation = "identity-muKnown-lambda-psi-rhoAtDuration-omega-noNu",
+  mcmcParameterisation = "identity-muKnown-lambda-psi-noRho-omega-noNu",
+  mcmcKnownMu = params$deathRate,
+  ## mcmcSimDuration = maybe_sim_dur,
+  mcmcPrior= "foobar"
+            x = mcmc_input,
+            path = "out/simulation-data.json",
+            auto_unbox = T
+          )
diff --git a/src/BDSCOD/Utility.hs b/src/BDSCOD/Utility.hs
index 847c042b1f817b9d994df85f76017ddf5c9c526a..e632725d384aa883aded7047ad9138e419193aa3 100644
--- a/src/BDSCOD/Utility.hs
+++ b/src/BDSCOD/Utility.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ instance Csv.ToField TimeDelta where
 -- | Check if two absolute times differ by such a small amount that they are
 -- likely identical.
 timesWithinEpsilon :: AbsoluteTime -> AbsoluteTime -> Bool
-timesWithinEpsilon (AbsoluteTime a) (AbsoluteTime b) = abs (a - b) < 1e-13
+timesWithinEpsilon (AbsoluteTime a) (AbsoluteTime b) = abs (a - b) < 1e-3
 -- | Convert simulation events to observation events, this assumes that the
 -- epidemic events have already been filtered by to only include the observable